ブイキューブがRed Herring社のRed Herring Global 100を受賞しました
Web会議やオンラインセミナーをはじめとする「いつでも、だれでも、どこでも」使えるビジュアルコミュニケーションサービスを開発、提供する株式会社ブイキューブ(本社:東京都目黒区、代表取締役社長 間下直晃)は、アメリカの出版社であるRed Herring(以下、レッドへリング)社の「Red Herring Global 100」(レッドヘリング・グローバル100社賞)のWinnerを受賞いたしました。

【レッドヘリング社「Red Herring Global 100」(レッドヘリング・グローバル100社賞)とは】
For 10 years, Red Herring's editorial team has diligently surveyed entrepreneurship around the globe. Technology industry executives, investors, and observers have regarded the Red Herring 100 lists as an invaluable instrument to discover and advocate the promising startups that will lead the next wave of disruption and innovation.
【Red Herring社とは】
Red Herring, Inc., founded in 1993, is a media company whose mission is to cover innovation, technology, financing and entrepreneurial activity. Its staff of award-winning journalists tell readers what's first, what matters and most importantly, why.
(以上、レッドヘリング社HP: http://www.redherring.com/Home/ から引用)
以下、Red Herringリリース文より
Laguna Niguel, California - Red Herring on Friday announced its Global 100 award in recognition of the leading private companies from North America, Europe, and Asia, celebrating these startups' innovations and technologies across their respective industries.
Red Herring's Global 100 list has become a mark of distinction for identifying promising new companies and entrepreneurs. Red Herring editors were among the first to recognize that companies such as Google, Yahoo, Skype, Netscape, Salesforce.com, YouTube, and eBay would change the way we live and work.
レッドヘリング グローバル100賞の企業リストは、有望と認定された新しい企業や事業の指標として認識されつつあります。というのも、レッドヘリング編集者はこれまで、Google、Yahoo、Skype、Netscape、Salesforce.com、YouTube、そしてイーベイが私たちの生活に大きな変化をもたらすことに最初に気がついていたからです。
"Choosing the best out of the previous three years was by no means a small feat," said Alex Vieux, publisher and CEO of Red Herring. "After rigorous contemplation and discussion, we narrowed down our list from 1,200 potential companies to 200 finalists. Trying to get it down to 100 companies was a task upon itself. The top 100 companies who were chosen should be extremely proud, the competition was difficult."
レッドヘリングCEOのアレックスビュー氏は「過去3年間のベストな企業を選ぶのは、至難の業でした。厳密な吟味、思考、議論により、まず1200社の企業から200社に候補企業を絞り、さらにそこから100社に絞り込みました。それは、まさに大変な作業でした。 難しい選考で選ばれたトップ100企業は、称賛に値する企業です。」と述べています。
Red Herring's editorial staff evaluated the companies on both quantitative and qualitative criteria, such as financial performance, technology innovation, management quality, strategy, and market penetration. This assessment of potential is complemented by a review of the track record and standing of startups relative to their sector peers, allowing Red Herring to see past the "buzz" and make the list an invaluable instrument of discovery and advocacy for the greatest business opportunities from around the world.
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